Pucker up!

More scarves

The Huck scarves turned out great so I was ready to give the Simple Collapse Scarf that Puckers Up from Jane Stafford Schoool of Weaving, Season 3, Episode 6 a go.

- If you missed my earlier posts, I highly recommend her lessons if you want to learn to weave or if you have some aspects you feel you need to improve. Jane is an awesome teacher and she is an invaluable help in my weaving endeavor.

The scarf is woven in a mix of wool and silk and the weaving was quite delicate but I had tons of fun! The weft moved around quite a bit when it stretched over the breast beam, Jane had warned about it but I had a really hard time trusting that it would all correct itself off the loom with the help of a little bit of tugging. I hung in there and as always she was right, tugging the correct way did straighten it out!

The collapse/puckering happens when the wool shrinks/felt during wet finishing while the silk mainly stays as is and the change in the fabric is simply amazing!

Straight off the loom: I have said it before but it's more true than ever; What happens in the water is pure magic!